Thursday, August 5, 2010

My date and I have nothing in common!

"Charlie/Callum – PLEASE HELP!”

“I can’t find anything in common with this girl and I really like her. We’ve been on a couple of dates (followed your advise about the first 2 meetings), but can’t seem to find anything in common. Should I make something up?”

“I think I’ve made a good impression, but our interests just don’t match. I’m seeing her in a couple of days for a drink, immediate advice would be great.”
David – Middlesex

Hi David

Don’t panic, you’ve done the hard part – a girl you like has agreed to met you (and on multiple occasions). The big question you’re asking is “does a couple have to have interests/hobbies in common to go the distance?”

Answer – “NO”

Why? - Attraction has nothing to do with how much you have in common with another person.

It does make it easier to start conversations and meet people. For example if you’re both into Morris Dancing I’m guessing you’ll always attend the same functions and you have something that you are both passionate about and can discuss.

However, I’ve seen lots of relationships fall apart because they were built on a common interest because further down the road that is still the only commonality.

Everyone has heard the phrase “Opposites attract?”

It’s absolutely true.

The KEY thing to remember in the early stages of a relationship that it’s all about ATTRACTION.

Everything else is IRRELEVANT!

AND, if you aren’t ATTRACTIVE to the woman she’s not going to DATE you regardless of whether you have loads in common or not.

In our course we teach you HOW to CREATE that attraction.

We coach you in the SKILLS you need to be a MAGNET to women!


Why chase women – if you attract them, then they’ll come to you!

Good luck David


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Why guys always screw-up!

The scenario

I was chatting to a girl in the office a few days ago....

She does internet dating and was explaining to her friends how it all works.

The conversation got onto a ‘hot prospect’ that she was supposedly going to meet up with but how she’d decided to ‘bail out’ as she had some doubts and didn’t have the same feelings for the guy.

My eyes lit up as I grasped the relevance of this and how it would be useful to share with our email here goes:

Apparently they’d been emailing for a while which had progressed to instant messaging on MSN and a few phone calls and text messages.

He was a music producer.

Wow! Cool job!

So I asked her why she wasn’t going to see him. Her answer went like this:

“I just don’t feel the same for him. Perhaps I’m too fussy. At first I really liked him and thought it would be great to meet as we seemed so alike. I was really optimistic.”

I asked her what changed....

“Well he just became a bit too ‘full on.’ He’d text me every morning with a “Hi gorgeous” message. And he’d text me all the time.”

She then went on to say:

“So I told him I didn’t want to meet up. I wanted to cool it for a while. He said he’d fallen for me, big time and really thought we had a future together.”

When a woman says she wants to ‘cool it for a while’ you’re history!!


And this guy is history. He didn’t even get a first date.

My friend thinks she’s too fussy.

Guess what?

The guy screwed up!


Never, never, never reveal your true feelings for a woman at such an early stage.

It’s 100% guaranteed to KILL the attraction she feels for you.

There are numerous reasons and detail behind the why and I’m going to touch on 3:

Fact 1:

Too soon.

First off it’s too early.

You may see someone and engage in conversation and think to yourself “Wow this girl is amazing I think I could marry her!”

She may also be thinking something like “I like this guy, he’s fun, cute and sexy. I hope this goes somewhere.”

But the moment you come on so strong you’re killing the mystery, the intrigue, the differentiator and other thing that make you attractive. In fact you’ve become a lame, boring, dull and typical guy!

So chill out!

Take your time. Act aloof.

Fact 2:

In this case my friend has been living by herself for 3 years.

Living by yourself has some advantages. You can be a ‘free spirit’. You can choose what you want to do and when you want to do it. You can live like a slob or live in a ‘showhome!’ The point is the choice is yours.

The moment you come on strong, her subconscious is going to start ringing alarm bells, saying “Change! Change! Change!”

People don’t like change. So avoid this but not breaking the status quo.

Fact 3:

She got to miss you.

Guys that text every hour of the day, come across as needy, desperate and generally a proper wet rag!

I doubt you’re any of those, but that is how it appears.

Would a really hot guy who had the pick of numerous women really text every hour?

No, he’d be hard to get hold of, difficult to pin down and the women would be chasing him.

So don’t text every hour and never write ‘needy’ messages.

If you write “Hi gorgeous” then you owe me a case of beer!!

Instead write:

“Hey I know you’re missing me like crazy, so I wanted to give you a little taster of me! Have fun! X”

A text like that say’s you’re confident about yourself. You’re not needy. You’re not trying to change her life and move in with her. It also sub-consciously makes her feel you’re different, calm, confident and slightly aloof.

This is a tiny fraction of what we coach in The SECRET ART OF ATTRACTION™.

If you want to perfect the ART of ATTRACTING women.

Want to know the SECRETS on how to attract women? Sign up to the FREE coaching email, full of dating tips for men and get a FREE guide on Why Most Dates Fail.

Good luck out there.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Are you a bunny boiler?

A while ago we had an email from Simon:

“Hey guys I could use some help here! I’ve been on several dates recently and after the second date the girls always seem to lose interest. I’ve been cool and charming (I think) and have we’ve got close and personal with the conversations. Even to the point where we’ve been discussing long term plans around family and kids. Yet in each case they have gone cold on me after 2 or 3 dates. Help!”

We’ve also had a few emails from guys who want to know how to get closer to a woman that they’ve met for a few times.

I’ll give an example:

You’ve been out on a couple of dates, shared a few kisses and embraces; but haven’t made the move to the bedroom. So the question is how do you cross that divide?

First it’s worth making sure you’re not a male bunny boiler (BB).

Some of the emails for advice we get have some BB qualities to them; for example sending endless texts, and sending texts immediately after receiving one.

By The way we look further into how to pace your communication in the course The SECRET ART OF ATTRACTION™ if you haven’t downloaded it yet then I would do it now.

So take this test to find out if you’re on the verge of becoming a BB:

Imagine you’ve met a woman 2 times, now answer the following questions:

Have you discussed how many kids you’d like?
Have you suggested meeting your or their parents?
Have you asked her if she’s in contact with or meeting anyone else?
If you’ve answered “yes” to any of these you’re sailing way too close to the wind.

You have to remember that what most women put on their internet profiles or tell you what they like in a man is what they ULTIMATELY want. It’s want they want in the long term

But it’s not what they will find ATTRACTIVE.

ATTRACTION isn’t something that can be switched on of off like a lightbulb!

Women are either attracted to your or they’re not!

And if they are NOT attracted to you in the initial meeting then the chances of them ever being attracted to you are almost ZERO!

What we COACH is how to create that ATTRACTION.

How to ENSURE that women find you incredibly ATTRACTIVE right from the ‘off!’

Down load the programme its risk free and it’ll change your life!

But if you have turned into some sort of Bunny Boiler why not try the Tips For Dating - Bunny Boiler Stew:

2 pet rabbits, skinned and jointed
250g Bacon cut into small pieces
1 tbsp olive oil
1 large onion, thickly sliced
3 large carrots,
1 leek
2 bay leaves
500ml dry cider
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1. Heat the oil in a pan and add the bacon, onions and pet rabbits, heat until brown. Then transfer the meat into a casserole dish or similar

2. Add the carrots, leek and bay leaves

3. Finally season with salt and pepper and add the cider. Ensure the meat is covered by added water

4. Place casserole in a pre heated oven at 130oc (ensure lid is on) for 90 minutes – although older pets will take longer.

5. Serve with potatoes and ladle juice over it all.

I’m glad we can be of help and don't really try this at home!

Best wishes


Hot women and Saturday nights

Hot women and Saturday nights.

Will it be another wasted Saturday night out with the boys?

I have a single friend (for the sake of this email we’ll call him Russell) he’s 36 and a self employed Accountant. He brings in a fairly large income and works very hard. It takes quite a lot of encouraging to get him to come out for a few beers – he’s always using excuses like:

“I’m too tired!”

“I’ve got a lot of work on.”

“I’ve got to meet a big client tomorrow.”

After a couple of drinks on Friday he finally admitted why he was reluctant to come out.

Russell’s story – He said the reason he was so reluctant to come out on a weekend was the frustrations he feels when he gets home, usually without even a single phone number. He feels very confident talking through the details of someone else’s business and challenges, but when it comes to approaching women in a bar he becomes a wreck! So when he wakes up in the morning following a night out he doesn’t feel relaxed after being out with some friends, he said he feels really frustrated.

Now I don’t think Russell is alone in this situation – how many of us in the last few weeks walked home with a takeaway for one, or back to a friends for a for more drinks?

What should you do?

Personally I don’t think focusing all of your efforts on finding true love should be done in your local bars and clubs, if you enjoy going to those places then it’s different. Otherwise they will only enhance your frustrations; you’ll also look like a fish out of water. You have to ask yourself – does the girl of my dreams hang around in Yates’?

SO where do you go?

Internet dating has become an easier and more efficient place to meet like minded people, but again it should be used as part of your dating strategy, you also have to bear in mind the fact that you’ll also have to make a good impression when you meet your internet date. That means you need practise getting your approaches and openers spot on.

Fit to date?

This doesn’t mean a six pack and bulging ‘guns’ – fit to date means you can have a great conversation, really make a great first impression and not appear like everyone else. For this you need practice and some professional coaching.

Practice is easy – you can walk into any public place and start talking to someone.

Coaching is also easy – book onto our 7 part course – It will cost you half as much as your last night out. But unlike your last night out, if it doesn’t improve your success rate we’ll give you your money back!

So ask yourself – do I want to keep walking home really frustrated after a fruitless night out? Or do I want the confidence to speak with attractive women?

If the answer is the latter then BOOK NOW!

It’s all here in The SECRET ART OF ATTRACTION™

Best wishes

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Motor Racing babes

Have you ever seen the women that hang around at motor racing circuits?

You know the ones that are there as part of the race teams. They are wearing the team livery and are there purely as ‘eye candy.’

If you ever watch the MotoGP, prior to the race starting each competitor sits on his motorbike mentally preparing for the race. Holding an umbrella over each rider is a stunningly attractive girl, with a size 8 body and a figure hugging outfit.

Most guys will gawk and think things like:

“Wow she’s hot!”


“God I’d like to date her.”

Equally most guys will believe that these women are to be dreamed about and never will they really date a woman like this.

You have to be a gorgeous millionaire, don’t you?

Ask yourself; do you think the same way?

At the weekend a large motorbike store in a nearby town was celebrating its birthday and was holding a 2 day event. The place was alive with people. There was lots of entertainment and plenty there for the motorcycling enthusiast.

Additionally they had a plethora of ‘hotties’ making the place look nice and handing out promotional material.

I listened as many of the bikers took the material and then confided with each other about how ‘fit’ the girls where.

Yet none of them spent any time engaged in conversation with the girls.

And the few that muttered more than half a dozen words said all the wrong things.

This is great news!

It’s great because most men do all the wrong things. They say the wrong lines and they execute the wrong actions.

And that means that people like you and I that learn and practice the right things to say and the correct action to execute get to take girls like these on dates.

I know because I dated a girl that did the MotoGP events in the UK.

And the good news is, it’s so easy!

You don’t have to be tall. You don’t have to have dark hair. You don’t have to be a millionaire and you certainly don’t have to be good looking.

But you do have to LEARN what makes these women WANT you!

And all of this we coach and teach in the SECRET ART OF ATTRACTION™

If you haven’t downloaded it yet, then go and do it today.

If you’re not satisfied you can return it within 14 days for a full refund.

So there’s no risk!

Good luck out there.

Why are women so complex

Summer ball

On Friday I had the pleasure of attending the Wootton Bassett Rugby Club Summer Ball.

It was a great event.

A huge marquee was erected in the rugby field with tastefully decorated tunnels adjoining the clubhouse. The whole interior was given an oriental theme complete with a waterfall and dry ice machine.

The food was excellent and the price included drinks, so it was a great opportunity to eat and drink as much as you wanted to before working off those calories on the dance floor!

There was somewhere in the region of 400 people there. The women wore glamourous dresses whilst us guys had to wear the customers DJ’s.

A band kicked off after the food had been served and played through until 3am.

My lady for the ball

I had the pleasure of being invited by Chloe (a made up name as she’d never forgive me if she knew I’d written this!)

Now Chloe is about 5’5”. She has long brunette hair, dark eyes and is a size 8 pushing size 6. She is fanatical about her fitness and body and to say she’s toned is a massive understatement.

She’s simply gorgeous!


Before we got to the event Chloe described her friend Stephanie and partner who we were meeting at the venue. She described Stephanie as being simply stunning. A 10 out of 10 in every department. She even stated that she wished she was as beautiful, as glamourous and as young looking as Stephanie.

The whole drive there I was wondering what the ‘gorgeous Stephanie’ was going to look like??

Of course I was surprised to meet Stephanie.

She was pretty. Coming in at about 5’6”, with a size 8 figure and blonde bobbed hair. She wore a red dress that I have to admit was the right colour for her and she did look beautiful.


And it’s a big BUT.

She wasn’t a patch on Chloe.

Chloe was prettier. She had a better face shape. Nicer eyes. Better teeth and much fuller lips.

Chloe also looked years younger even though they are both the same age.

And too cap it all Chloe also had a better figure!

In fact of the 200+ women that were at the event I can honestly say that Chloe was in the top 3.

Yet she doesn’t believe that.

She thinks she’s overweight, old and not as pretty or as glamourus as the other women!

This is an interesting paradox that affects more women than not.

They are all mostly paranoid about their looks.

If you don’t believe me…….think about it………how many women have you ever known that say “I want to put a bit of weight on. Fill out a bit. I could do with putting on a few pounds.”

Yep exactly.


Every woman I’ve ever known has been on some kind of diet. They’ve all said they’d like to lose a few pounds. Get down a dress size!

Yet they all look stunning and all have the kind of figure that every man would be happy to explore.


One of the reasons women are like this is because they are born with these characteristics.

They literally have an inbuilt system that says:

“Must look prettier.”

“Must lose more weight.”

And this inbuilt system also makes them incredibly competitive.

Women love to compete with each other. Hence, why they take so long to get themselves ready for a big night like a ball. They want to look stunning and want to feel like they’re better than every other woman in there!

Fact 1

Now when men look at STUNNING women they often think things like:

“Wow she’s hot. I’d love to date her!”

“Oh my god she is gorgeous. She’s way out of my league!”

“I bet her boyfriend is rich and incredibly good looking.”

But in fact the opposite is often true.

They are never ‘Out of your league’ and if you say that STOP right now.

The point here is that many of the best looking women often think they are the least pretty ones and that’s why they take even more care and trouble over their appearance.

What to do next

You simply download the SECRET ART OF ATTRACTION™ and read the theory, do the exercises and go and engage in conversation with these STUNNING women.



And it WORKS!

Enjoy the summer ball!


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Why are some guys successful with women?


Let me share with you a real life experience.

Some years ago I used to play football on a Saturday for a local team in a league in Gloucestershire.

The plan was, after the game to go for a few drinks and then all meet up later in Cheltenham to go on to a nightclub.

One of the players was a guy called Gary. He was a short-arse at about 5’5” and had a completely bald head. Years with a receding hairline he’d simply decided to shave what little he had left. Gary was in the Royal Air Force and was a tough tackling midfielder.

Eye opener

It was an eye opening experience.

As a bunch of guys we did the usual thing of checking out the club upon arrival and then making a bee line for the bar.

Drink in hand we then moved around the club with a view to finding some potential ladies to strike up a conversation with.

I remember one round table having a group of 4 or 5 women all of which were stunners. None of them paid any attention to our group.

Within about a nanosecond of spotting the group Gary simply marched over to the table, sat amongst them and within seconds had engaged them in conversation. After about 3 minutes you could see them all laughing and smiling and all vying for Gary’s attention.

It was remarkable.

How had this guy, who on a scale of ‘best looking’ guys would hardly register, managed to get a bunch of gorgeous women literally begging for his attention?

7 days later

The following week we were playing at home and at the end of the match Gary’s girlfriend turned up to drive him home so he could have a few drinks in the clubhouse.

His girlfriend was simply divine. A 10 out of 10 and could have easily been a model!

The other 9 players, myself, the manager and the subs simply stared agog.


A few years later

This was a few years ago.......and how things have changed.

I haven’t seen Gary in the time but I do know how he managed to attract such gorgeous women.

And the good news is, it’s so easy!

You don’t have to be tall. You don’t have to have dark hair. You don’t have to be a millionaire and you certainly don’t have to be good looking.

Gary had the special MAGIC that made him attractive. He had that certain something. Whether he knew he had it or not remains to be seen and I’ll probably never know.

But I know how you can get that special MAGIC.

I know how you can chat to any girl or group of girls and make them feel a powerful attraction to you.
And it doesn’t matter what you look like, what job you have, what car you drive.


If you want the success that Gary had.

If you want to be able to engage in conversation with a group of stunning women then you need to master the techniques that we coach.

And if you’re unsure then simply download it and if you’re not satisfied you can return it within 14 days for a full refund.

So there’s no risk!
dating tips for men and get a FREE guide on Why Most Dates Fail.

Good luck out there.Callum

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Dating help

Do you want dating help?

Do you need some tips, advice or help on dating women?

Want to know:

  • What to say when you see a girl you fancy
  • How to get her phone number
  • The methods to engage her in conversation and make her fancy you.

Whatever it is you want help with, Charlie and I are only an email away.

Think of us as your dating friends.

The guys that will help you get the woman of your dreams.

Right now!

So if we can help, simply send an email describing what advice you need and we’ll endeavour to answer.

As long as you don’t mind we’ll share the subject (but not your name, so you’ll remain anonymous) with others so that we can all work together to get the girl of our dreams.

Send an email to: and let me know what specific areas of advice you’re looking for.


Here’s a recent example and it’s relevant to all of us:

“Callum. I have recently been on some dates with a girl. We got on reasonably well and have seen each other on a total of three separate occasions. However, whilst I find her company fun I am not particularly attracted to her and am unsure how to let her know this without upsetting her. Your advice would be appreciated.”
George, Newcastle.

Hey George I feel your pain.

You sound like a cool guy who’s sincere and thoughtful. It’s always a difficult thing to let someone know that you don’t want to see them again.

However there is a right way to do it.

Before I tell you though consider a few points:

  1. The longer you delay telling her, the harder it will be for you and for her.
  2. Not telling her, won’t make the problem go away.

Sometimes it seems like the best solution is to say nothing and hope she ‘get’s the message.’

Well, eventually she will, but it’s going to be painful for her and leave her with many unanswered questions.

The best policy is to be upfront and say some nice things as well as some honest things.

In my years of sports training we called this the Big Mac approach.

Where the bun of a Big Mac is positive feedback and the burger is constructive feedback.

So start with the bun, then the burger and finish with the bun.

Positive – constructive – positive.

Say to her something like:

“Hey I really enjoy your company. We get on well and seeing you has been terrific fun.”

“I have to be honest though. I’m not quite feeling ‘it’ in this relationship. And I thought it would be best to be honest and upfront with you.”

“You’re a great looking girl though and our dates have been incredible fun.”

This way it’s clear that you’re not getting what you want out of the relationship and that it’s gone the distance.

If she’s unsure what you mean she may ask “Does that mean it’s over?” and the simple answer is “Yes it does.”

Most women will be fine with this approach, especially after only a few dates.

Remember being honest and upfront early is the best policy.

That way you have cleared the air and you’re both free to pursue the lives and relationships that you both want and deserve.

I’m glad we can be of help.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Overcoming the fear of approaching women - Dating Tip

Dave from Swindon emailed in:

“Hi Callum and Charlie.
I wanted to share with you my heartfelt gratitude.
After recently downloading your course and working the exercises my love life has taken a massive step forward.
I was initially sceptical about the whole dating game, believing that being nice to women and telling them how you felt was the best policy. I also struggled with a lack of courage and found the more attractive I found a women the harder it was to go and talk to her. However your methods are incredible. I’m now in the enviable position of being able to pick and choose my girlfriends. Something I could never have dreamed possible in the past.
Thanks again.”

Thanks Dave, it’s always great to hear yet more success stories from our friends.


I’m going to take one point out of Dave’s email and that is ‘struggling with a lack of courage’ and how you can overcome this.

It's something that affects most men and was something that personally held me back for years!

I used to get so nervous when I saw a girl I fancied that I wouldn’t go and chat to them unless they had made eye contact with me.

In fact the more beautiful they were, the more time I’d spend trying to make eye contact and invariably I’d never go and chat to them.

Sometimes it would be the same girl and week after week I’d see her and hope she’d make eye contact so I could go and say something.

Of course they didn’t make eye contact and I didn’t go and chat to them.

The weeks became months and then one day I’d see them out with their new boyfriend who looked and acted like a complete dork!


The point here is that I screwed up!

The theory

But there is a SOLUTION!

Now I’m not going to go into too much detail here because this is covered in detail on our course; THE SECRET ART OF ATTRACTION™

It’s in Part 2 entitled “Super Confidence.”

The good news for you and for anyone else who suffers a bit of ‘Pre-match nerves’ or ‘Stage fright’ is that it is something you can ELIMINATE right now!

Let's look at it in a bit more detail.........

The way the human body works is highly complex, but in simple terms, the body’s central nervous system extracts information from your particular environment.

It uses the sensory receptors, to detect the five senses; touch, taste, sight, smell, and hearing.
Then it processes this information and determines an appropriate response.

So an example might be that you’re driving your car and up ahead about 400m away you see numerous brake lights suddenly appear in the traffic.

Your eyes detect the lights, they then send this information to your central nervous system and your brain registers it. It assesses it and sends back information saying that there is possible danger ahead. You sub-consciously reduce the pressure on your cars accelerator pedal and slow up enabling more information to be processed.

All of this happens in micro seconds!

Now in the case of a pretty woman your eyes register then send signals to your brain which will instantly register as:
  1. Gorgeous looking woman.
  2. I want to go and chat!
  3. I want to be seen as cool!
  4. I want her to find me attractive!
  5. I don’t want to get this wrong!

Your heart rate will rise and you’ll get a rush of adrenaline which in turn will give you all of the symptoms associated with what we call ‘nerves!’

  • You’ll feel less confident.
  • Your palms may get sweaty.
  • Your hand may shake.
  • Your breathing will become laboured.
  • Your voice will change in tone and pitch.

Now this is ‘worst-case’ stuff and in Part 2 of THE SECRET ART OF ATTRACTION™ we explain how you can reduce and even eliminate these symptoms entirely.

The solution

But here’s one thing I want you to try the next time it happens to you:

  1. Look away from the girl.
  2. Focus on something else.
  3. Then close your eyes and think long and hard about...
  4. What is the WORST thing that could happen in this situation?
  5. Then think about:
  6. What is the BEST thing that could happen?’
  7. On a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is a disaster or catastrophe and 10 is utopia or the perfect dream rank your answers.

So if the WORST thing that could happen to you is she’ll smile but maybe figure you out for being boring, politely make her excuses and leave, then rank that.

And if the BEST thing that could happen is that she’ll laugh, smile, give some banter in return and agree to your suggestion of a longer chat over coffee then also rank that.


The whole point of this exercise is to get you to understand that the worst scenario is NOT a disaster. It’s NOT a catastrophe!

It’s actually not even a negative!!!

"WHAT?" I hear you cry!

You’re probably thinking I’m nuts!

"I chat to a girl and she politely tells me to “Bugger off!” and it’s not a negative outcome."


What you will have achieved by talking to her is:

  • You’ll have overcome the initial fear of approaching a girl.
  • You’ll have fought your own fear.
  • The nerves you will have experienced will become less and less the more you do this, so you’ll have reduced them for the next approach
  • You will have improved your skills at making a first approach.

And is she does ‘blow you out’ you won’t waste any time or money on her and you can move on to someone else who will be better for you anyway!

Whatever the outcome you’re also now officially a ‘Fun’ guy who has size 11 balls!

Don't forget all of this is covered in detail with exercises for you to do to improve your skills in part 2 of our manual entitled “Super Confidence.”

Good luck and let me know how you get on.


Monday, July 12, 2010

Winning ladies with internet dating emails


Did you know that 95% of men make the same mistakes when it comes to writing emails to girls on Online Dating sites?

The emails that they write get deleted in 80% of the cases. 10% get a polite “Thanks but I don't think we're compatible” and the other 10% get no response and then they are removed later.

Have you ever sent emails to women online, only to have no reply?


There are numerous things to understand about women that are totally different men and there isn’t time to go through all of them here...but....

I am going to share with you one tip in a moment.....but before I do let’s discuss a bit of theory:

Firstly, men are a notoriously ‘visual’ species.

The first thing we do is look at pictures of women and decide whether we think they are potential girlfriend material.

Regardless of whether they are on the same intellectual wavelength, have similar interests, goals and aspirations. It’s simple.

If she looks ‘Hot’ she’s going to get an email.

Now how many emails do you think ‘Hot’ women on a dating site get every day?

Yeah therein is the problem!

They get HUNDREDS!

And 95% of those emails have one line sentences such as:

“Hi how are you today?”


“Wow, you look gorgeous, fancy a chat?”

Or even worse some guys offer their phone number:

"Hey gorgeous, I can't believe you're on a dating site, call me on 07******** and let's chat!"


And guess what?

All of the women receiving these emails delete them instantly and mutter comments like; “Go away loser!” or “Oh my god how boring are you!"

Indeed many guys think that if they send 10 of these one line emails then they’re bound to ‘get lucky’ eventually and someone will reply.

Hey they might!

And in fact if you walk across the M25 with a bucket on your head, you might make it to the other side without getting run over!

But all of the guys that have downloaded our course and practice the methods we coach don’t ‘Get lucky’ they get RESULTS.

They know what to write in an email to get replies. They know how to turn a few emails into a phone number exchange.

They know how to turn that into a date.

And a date into a second date.....and you know the rest!

In fact a recent convert signed up on Match and with 2 weeks had to pull his profile because he couldn’t cope with the number of women who wanted to meet him. His diary is full for the next 2 weeks with potential dates!

The secret

There are several KEY SECRETS to being successful with online dating and I’m going to share one of them with you today.

Yes I’m going to give you a HOT tip that normally we’d keep back until you’d signed up for the course. But today, I’m going to provide it as a way of saying “Well done for taking steps to improve your success with women!”

So here it is:

Personalise the email

We talked about the fact that most men look at the pictures. Go ahead and do that, but then take some time to read their profile and look for something that you can use to create a ‘hook!’

A ‘hook’ is something that get’s their attention. Something that makes them want to respond.

Let me give you an example.

Their profile may have some great personal information like:

"My favourite summer destination is Greece. I love the lifestyle and climate."


"I love to play tennis in my spare time and read history."

Also profiles will tell you what they do for work and what their star sign is, let’s say she’s a Scorpio.

All of this is great material to work with.

So in your email you can personalise this and create a ‘hook.’

As an example here’s what you could write:

"Is it true what they say about the secret trait that Scorpio’s have? The one they never reveal?"


“Have you been to that secret part of Greece that they never tell you about in the brochure?”

These are hooks.

They grab their attention and 'invite' them to respond. If it's got some INTRIGUE then youre success rate will leap!

You need to write more in your email, but if you use these in the opening lines then you’re instantly creating a ‘hook’ that will make them want to know the answer.

It also means you’re not in the 95% category.

Instead you’re in the 5% category of men whos emails will be read.

If you then get the rest of your email right. Have a well constructed profile that follows our ‘Golden rules’ then you’re going to get some positive replies.

You can do this and have the RELATIONSHIP you WANT with the WOMAN you WANT by learning the techniques that we teach in the SECRET ART OF ATTRACTION™.

And this UNIQUE 7 part course is available for you today.

Good luck and let me know how you get on with your emails.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

The worlds worst chat-up lines


I witnessed a great one only recently in the Chinese takeaway in my local town!
OK so not the glamour of Harrods, but it’s worthy of discussion because it was a great example of lame chat-up lines!
I’m sure you can picture the typical Chinese Takeaway, small room, bare walls with gloss paint, TV in the corner and a huge menu above the counter with around 175 different choices.

Waiting for their meals were 2 guys who’d arrived together, and had obviously been drinking for most of the afternoon, and one girl who’d arrived alone. She looked classy and was very attractive.

The guys spent the entire time visually 'feasting' on her and finally when her meal arrived and she started to leave one of them said:
“Have a great evening hot honey!”

She didn’t even look at the guy, choosing to ‘blank’ him completely and walk rapidly to her car. Which was a BMW M3 convertible! Very nice!


Let’s give this a bit of thought:
Firstly how does it feel for a girl to be on her own in a confined area with 2 lechourous drunken guys.
Not great! In fact probably pretty scary!

As for “Have a great evening hot honey!”

If you have ever said that then you need to give yourself a slap on the wrist.

If you still think it’s cool then find yourself a mirror, look into it and repeat 20 times:
“I promise never to say 'have a great evening hot honey!'”

Get the picture??!!


Instead here’s what you’re going to do.

As soon as she walks in you must give her your best smile you can do. A real friendly warm smile. (We go into detail on this in the course and give you an exercise on how to MASTER it).

Then you simply say: “Hiya, how you doing?”

Say it with a huge amount of warmth, sincerity and confidence. And smile!


By doing this you have ‘ELEVATED’ yourself above everyone else in the room. You’re suddenly the friendly face in a crowd. The guy who’s confident and cool. And you’re not a threat!

And that’s it........for now......because she’ll probably say: “I’m great thanks.” And smile back at you.

And if you want to know what to do next so that you can progress you need to do the

In here we go through ALL the details and ALL the exercies you need to progress this from a friendly greeting, to a date, to much more!!

In fact it’s so good that we put our money where our mouth is and state that if you’re not happy you can return it within 14 days for a full refund.

But for now, just remember, a huge smile and a “Hi how you doing?” will get you a smile and an answer.

Enjoy your Chinese meal!


Monday, June 28, 2010

Seductive voicemail

When was the last time you got a Voicemail late at night from a gourgeous blonde that went something along the lines of:

“HI Callum. It’s Jo just to say a really, really, sexy message. As you can probably tell I’m a little bit drunk, and I apologise now for phoning at this ungodly hour. Just thought I’d say hi. Anyway speak to you soon, take care. Bye.”

How many text messages on your phone say:

“Hi lovely. How are you doing? R u missing me? ;-) x”


“Actually I was just thinking about you and last night and getting all in a fluster, lol ;-) x”

There is a certain MAGIC and MYSTIQUE that surrounds seduction.

If you know the SECRETS you can successfully date stunning women, regardless of your height, income, looks or car!

These stunning women also love being SEDUCED........

If you want to learn these SECRETS and be able to get voicemail messages like the one above then you need to get them all right here THE SECRET ART OF ATTRACTION.

Let me know how you get on.

Want to know the SECRETS on how to attract women? Sign up to the FREE coaching email, full of dating tips for men and get a FREE guide on Why Most Dates Fail.

Good luck out there.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Internet dating tips for men - getting her phone number

Here’s an email I wanted to share with you....

"There is one attractive woman that I have had 2 page emails going on with on over the last 2 weeks. I closed her off with my mobile 3 days ago. Now the emails were going back and forward every other day or so up until I sent my last one. I also went skiing at the weekend so did not email her for 3 days or so. She has not replied to my last email. I know she has the phone numbers of 2 other guys because I asked her have you met or spoken to many people of Match & she said she had 2 numbers."

"Having read you 3 mistakes on dating, i think i will leave this now and see if she gets back to me instead of chasing her up. As I say up to this point the emails have been great between us."

This is a fantastic email and thanks for sharing it with us. It’s fantastic because internet dating is the norm now and it’s incredibly EASY to be SUCCESSFUL if you know the SECRETS!

I’m going to split this into two emails as I want to do it justice. In this one I’m going to talk about the first major error and that’s giving out your PHONE NUMBER.

By the way, I’m sorry to say it’s 90% certain she’s gone and it’s unlikely that she’ll reconnect. Unfortunately the ATTRACTION is diminishing. It’s not you personally but it’s your actions that have made this happen......

All of the KILLER actions that you need to know on how to attract women are in our course: THE SECRET ART OF ATTRACTION.

Hot tip
I will give you one HOT TIP though because I’ve personally had this happen in the past, (although not anymore because I now know what to do).

Send her an email entitled "Interesting......." and in it state the following:

“Hi, hope you’re having a fun week. It’s all going on here for me :-) Anyway something happened yesterday which reminded me of you.... Enjoy your day and catch up soon.”

She’ll email you back!!

Golden rule
Now let’s talk about the first KEY POINT:

The golden rule is NEVER give out your phone number. Instead you have to get her to give you her number. Now I’m sure you want to know why and how, so read on..... Firstly, let me tell you what happens when you give out your phone number. The ‘Balance of POWER’ shifts from you to her. She is suddenly the one that’s in control. She can phone you, WHEN and IF she chooses. You’ve instantly become one of the same ordinary, sad, lame guys that always try chatting her up. Sorry to be brutally honest here but it’s a really important rule.

It’s a subconscious thing too. Without her knowing why, or even thinking about it you’ve become LESS interesting, MORE predictable and ultimately LESS attractive. In future every time you give out your phone number you owe me a beer! Do we have deal?

Getting her number
Now of course we want to have a telephone conversation with a potential date and the key is to get her number and then you can call her WHEN and IF you choose. It makes you far more interesting, far more confident, far more in control and far more ATTRACTIVE. After a few emails, to get a girls phone number write something like:

“Hey I’m beginning to get ‘writers block’ and life’s way too short to spend every evening playing ‘email tennis.’ Drop me your number and I’ll call you over the next few days to discuss the venue where you’re taking me for a coffee. :-) Have fun.”

The smiley face is important because it lets her know you’re teasing and you’re fun. It’s confident and it says to her that you are expecting her to want to take you out!! And NOT the other way round. It’s fun, it’s cheeky and it makes you STAND OUT from the crowd of boring, lame guys that are probably emailing her right now!

This is normally best done after 3 or 4 emails from you. Don’t do it too soon as it says you’re NEEDY and DESPERATE.

Now she may be one of those women that like to email forever before giving out their phone numbers and therefore may come back to you saying that she’d rather continue to email on If that happens then be cool and don’t push too hard. Act INDIFFERENT, like you’re not at all phased or bothered by anything. Something like:

“Hey I’m cool with that. I understand if your middle name is ‘Slow’ :-)”

And then continue the emails back and forth and every now and again throw in a line like:

“Of course I forgot you don’t have the bottle to give out your phone number, even though you know you want to chat with me ;-)”

The TEASING and baiting will work!

I’d urge you to read all the material on becoming a FUN, CHEEKY CHAPPY that we go into detail about in our course: THE SECRET ART OF ATTRACTION.

It’ll make you a MAGNET to women!!

Want to know the SECRETS on how to attract women? Sign up to the FREE coaching email, full of dating tips for men and get a FREE guide on Why Most Dates Fail.

Good luck out there.


How to attract women by overcoming the fear of approaching

Last time I shared with you the SECRET about LOOKS.

Today I’m going to tell you about the second SECRET which is FEAR.

If you remember I told you about the summer party at my mates house and the beautiful girl that I feared approaching. At the end of the night she was canoodling with some guy who was more Sunday Pub Team than Premier League.

Damn!! The point is though the guy deserved her, even if it pains me. He had the ‘balls’ to approach her. I didn’t!

Now let’s talk about this fear in a bit more detail.

If you want to shortcut all of this and overcome your fear NOW then you need to study the dating tips for men in the course and do the exercises.

The dictionary describes FEAR as:
1) A distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid.
2) Concern or anxiety.

Many so called dating experts talk about FEAR and the FEAR of approaching women. But let me clarify one point:

It’s ANXIETY. It is NOT fear!

Right, now we’ve got that cleared up. It’s important though, because it highlights a really valid point. And that is when you approach a girl there is no immediate danger. You’re not likely to get shot, stand on a land mine, or get pregnant! But your anxiety levels increase.

Anxiety is a psychological and physiological state. That means it’s to do with the mind as well as the body. It differs in that it is more to do with perceived threats that are unavoidable or out of your control. Anxiety is a ‘future-oriented’ mood state where you attempt to prepare yourself for an upcoming negative event.

Read that again: Anxiety is a ‘future-oriented’ mood state where you attempt to prepare yourself for an upcoming negative event.

In the case of an approach to a woman you ‘future oriented’ mood state prepares you for REJECTION. Your mind say’s ‘OK she’s going to reject you. She’s going to ignore you and think you’re an idiot, loser in life.’

Therefore to eliminate or reduce this ANXIETY we don’t make the approach and another girl slips on by to become the lover of some other guy........And on it goes.......It’s a downward spiral of failure.

Preventing anxiety
The GREAT news is that you can break this spiral and stop feeling ANXIETY. You can get it to a level where you’re NEVER anxious.

Can you imagine what it would be like to be so confident that you can walk up to ANY woman and initiate a conversation, without any anxiety. WOW. How nice would that be? Well the good news is that you CAN. You can start on your journey to super confidence right now by simply downloading THE SECRET ART OF ATTRACTION course right now.

For now though, remember, ANXIETY is something you can eliminate. Read the material, perform the exercises and enjoy making APPROACHES.

Want to know the SECRETS on how to attract women? Sign up to the FREE coaching email, full of dating tips for men and get a FREE guide on Why Most Dates Fail.

Good luck out there.


Monday, March 22, 2010

How to attract women even if you don't look like Brad Pitt

Just because you're good looking is no guarantee to success and you'll probably be amazed to hear that you can attract hot women without looking like Brad Pitt.

I’m going to share with you 2 MASSIVE SECRETS.

The first one I’m going to talk about today and the second one in the next blog tomorrow.

Before I share with you the first big SECRET let me explain a situation that happened to me years ago more than once. Indeed numerous times.........


I went to a party at a mates house in the summer. He had a great house with a large garden. The bbq was smoking and the drinks flowing.

After I’d been there a while I remember clearly seeing this girl across the room and my initial thought was “Wow she’s gorgeous!” She was about 5’6” with brunette hair down past her shoulders and long legs. She wore tight jeans that accentuated her slim figure and she had the most amazing smile. Amazingly I can remember it clearly as though it was yesterday. I also remember the feelings and emotions that I felt that instant. I remember wishing that I was taller, better looking, smarter, cooler, darker haired, with more chiselled features and so on.....

As the evening progressed I found her more and more attractive and felt myself wishing she was my girlfriend. How great I’d feel walking into a room with her. Taking her to a candlelit dinner. Walking hand in hand along a beach together as the sunset. The more I thought about this the more attractive she became and the more FEAR I felt. The FEAR continued to build to a point where the best thing to do was to not approach her and do nothing. At least that way the fear subsided.

Looks and fear
This scenario highlights two points: LOOKS and FEAR

FACT: Most men, indeed probably 95% of men go through their life thinking that women are attracted to men with GOOD LOOKS.

FACT: Most men FEAR approaching women.

Now let me share with you a SECRET.........Women are NOT ATTRACTED to men with great LOOKS!

“What?” I can hear you say..........Let me explain the difference....

The difference
Of course if a fantastic looking guy walks into the room women are going to stop and have a good view. They may chat to one another and say something like “Wow he’s hot!” or “Ooooo check him out. What a cutey!” But, and trust me this is an incredibly important ‘but’ women are far MORE attracted to PERSONALITY.

Now I can’t change your looks. A cosmetic surgeon may be able to, although I don’t think they’ve cracked how to make you taller! But, what I can do is change your personality so that you become an ACE with the ladies.

Now back to my mates party for a moment. Fast forward to the end of the evening and I spotted the girl again. She was cosying up to a guy. He was shorter than me, had a large stomach and very little hair. She was laughing the whole time at his jokes and from the body language you could see she was enjoying herself.

So, my friend, you have to understand that men are initially attracted to looks. For us guys it’s a very visual thing. If you don’t believe me then check out the top shelf of a magazine stand in a newsagent. Wall to wall porn!

It's not about the visuals
Why is there no equivalent for women? Because for women it’s not about the visuals.

There’s an old saying that women use: “Win my mind and you can have my body.”

It’s BANG on the money!!

If you win over the mind of a woman she’s yours forever. It doesn’t matter what you look like, how tall you are, what car you drive. But you have to WIN her mind.

In our course we explain how to do this.

How you can WIN her mind. How you can be the most AMAZING guy she’s ever met.

The course
It’s all in our course THE SECRET ART OF ATTRACTION

In the next instalment I’m going to share with you the FEAR secret!

Although if you want to fast forward and get over your FEAR now then check out the course. We tell you how to do that in massive detail. It’s a big subject and our exercises are designed to make you lose the FEAR forever!

For now though, remember, women are not attracted to LOOKS, so get out there and have some fun.

Want to know the SECRETS on how to attract women? Sign up to the FREE coaching email, full of dating tips for men and get a FREE guide on Why Most Dates Fail.


Friday, March 19, 2010

Welcome to the Tips For Dating blog

This is our brand new blog. Stand by, as we're going to be regularly adding great tips and ideas that will help to transform your dating technique and make you a maestro at chatting to women you like, taking them on dates and getting them to chase YOU!

So, watch this space! More dating secrets will be revealed real soon!