Thursday, March 25, 2010

Internet dating tips for men - getting her phone number

Here’s an email I wanted to share with you....

"There is one attractive woman that I have had 2 page emails going on with on over the last 2 weeks. I closed her off with my mobile 3 days ago. Now the emails were going back and forward every other day or so up until I sent my last one. I also went skiing at the weekend so did not email her for 3 days or so. She has not replied to my last email. I know she has the phone numbers of 2 other guys because I asked her have you met or spoken to many people of Match & she said she had 2 numbers."

"Having read you 3 mistakes on dating, i think i will leave this now and see if she gets back to me instead of chasing her up. As I say up to this point the emails have been great between us."

This is a fantastic email and thanks for sharing it with us. It’s fantastic because internet dating is the norm now and it’s incredibly EASY to be SUCCESSFUL if you know the SECRETS!

I’m going to split this into two emails as I want to do it justice. In this one I’m going to talk about the first major error and that’s giving out your PHONE NUMBER.

By the way, I’m sorry to say it’s 90% certain she’s gone and it’s unlikely that she’ll reconnect. Unfortunately the ATTRACTION is diminishing. It’s not you personally but it’s your actions that have made this happen......

All of the KILLER actions that you need to know on how to attract women are in our course: THE SECRET ART OF ATTRACTION.

Hot tip
I will give you one HOT TIP though because I’ve personally had this happen in the past, (although not anymore because I now know what to do).

Send her an email entitled "Interesting......." and in it state the following:

“Hi, hope you’re having a fun week. It’s all going on here for me :-) Anyway something happened yesterday which reminded me of you.... Enjoy your day and catch up soon.”

She’ll email you back!!

Golden rule
Now let’s talk about the first KEY POINT:

The golden rule is NEVER give out your phone number. Instead you have to get her to give you her number. Now I’m sure you want to know why and how, so read on..... Firstly, let me tell you what happens when you give out your phone number. The ‘Balance of POWER’ shifts from you to her. She is suddenly the one that’s in control. She can phone you, WHEN and IF she chooses. You’ve instantly become one of the same ordinary, sad, lame guys that always try chatting her up. Sorry to be brutally honest here but it’s a really important rule.

It’s a subconscious thing too. Without her knowing why, or even thinking about it you’ve become LESS interesting, MORE predictable and ultimately LESS attractive. In future every time you give out your phone number you owe me a beer! Do we have deal?

Getting her number
Now of course we want to have a telephone conversation with a potential date and the key is to get her number and then you can call her WHEN and IF you choose. It makes you far more interesting, far more confident, far more in control and far more ATTRACTIVE. After a few emails, to get a girls phone number write something like:

“Hey I’m beginning to get ‘writers block’ and life’s way too short to spend every evening playing ‘email tennis.’ Drop me your number and I’ll call you over the next few days to discuss the venue where you’re taking me for a coffee. :-) Have fun.”

The smiley face is important because it lets her know you’re teasing and you’re fun. It’s confident and it says to her that you are expecting her to want to take you out!! And NOT the other way round. It’s fun, it’s cheeky and it makes you STAND OUT from the crowd of boring, lame guys that are probably emailing her right now!

This is normally best done after 3 or 4 emails from you. Don’t do it too soon as it says you’re NEEDY and DESPERATE.

Now she may be one of those women that like to email forever before giving out their phone numbers and therefore may come back to you saying that she’d rather continue to email on If that happens then be cool and don’t push too hard. Act INDIFFERENT, like you’re not at all phased or bothered by anything. Something like:

“Hey I’m cool with that. I understand if your middle name is ‘Slow’ :-)”

And then continue the emails back and forth and every now and again throw in a line like:

“Of course I forgot you don’t have the bottle to give out your phone number, even though you know you want to chat with me ;-)”

The TEASING and baiting will work!

I’d urge you to read all the material on becoming a FUN, CHEEKY CHAPPY that we go into detail about in our course: THE SECRET ART OF ATTRACTION.

It’ll make you a MAGNET to women!!

Want to know the SECRETS on how to attract women? Sign up to the FREE coaching email, full of dating tips for men and get a FREE guide on Why Most Dates Fail.

Good luck out there.


How to attract women by overcoming the fear of approaching

Last time I shared with you the SECRET about LOOKS.

Today I’m going to tell you about the second SECRET which is FEAR.

If you remember I told you about the summer party at my mates house and the beautiful girl that I feared approaching. At the end of the night she was canoodling with some guy who was more Sunday Pub Team than Premier League.

Damn!! The point is though the guy deserved her, even if it pains me. He had the ‘balls’ to approach her. I didn’t!

Now let’s talk about this fear in a bit more detail.

If you want to shortcut all of this and overcome your fear NOW then you need to study the dating tips for men in the course and do the exercises.

The dictionary describes FEAR as:
1) A distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid.
2) Concern or anxiety.

Many so called dating experts talk about FEAR and the FEAR of approaching women. But let me clarify one point:

It’s ANXIETY. It is NOT fear!

Right, now we’ve got that cleared up. It’s important though, because it highlights a really valid point. And that is when you approach a girl there is no immediate danger. You’re not likely to get shot, stand on a land mine, or get pregnant! But your anxiety levels increase.

Anxiety is a psychological and physiological state. That means it’s to do with the mind as well as the body. It differs in that it is more to do with perceived threats that are unavoidable or out of your control. Anxiety is a ‘future-oriented’ mood state where you attempt to prepare yourself for an upcoming negative event.

Read that again: Anxiety is a ‘future-oriented’ mood state where you attempt to prepare yourself for an upcoming negative event.

In the case of an approach to a woman you ‘future oriented’ mood state prepares you for REJECTION. Your mind say’s ‘OK she’s going to reject you. She’s going to ignore you and think you’re an idiot, loser in life.’

Therefore to eliminate or reduce this ANXIETY we don’t make the approach and another girl slips on by to become the lover of some other guy........And on it goes.......It’s a downward spiral of failure.

Preventing anxiety
The GREAT news is that you can break this spiral and stop feeling ANXIETY. You can get it to a level where you’re NEVER anxious.

Can you imagine what it would be like to be so confident that you can walk up to ANY woman and initiate a conversation, without any anxiety. WOW. How nice would that be? Well the good news is that you CAN. You can start on your journey to super confidence right now by simply downloading THE SECRET ART OF ATTRACTION course right now.

For now though, remember, ANXIETY is something you can eliminate. Read the material, perform the exercises and enjoy making APPROACHES.

Want to know the SECRETS on how to attract women? Sign up to the FREE coaching email, full of dating tips for men and get a FREE guide on Why Most Dates Fail.

Good luck out there.


Monday, March 22, 2010

How to attract women even if you don't look like Brad Pitt

Just because you're good looking is no guarantee to success and you'll probably be amazed to hear that you can attract hot women without looking like Brad Pitt.

I’m going to share with you 2 MASSIVE SECRETS.

The first one I’m going to talk about today and the second one in the next blog tomorrow.

Before I share with you the first big SECRET let me explain a situation that happened to me years ago more than once. Indeed numerous times.........


I went to a party at a mates house in the summer. He had a great house with a large garden. The bbq was smoking and the drinks flowing.

After I’d been there a while I remember clearly seeing this girl across the room and my initial thought was “Wow she’s gorgeous!” She was about 5’6” with brunette hair down past her shoulders and long legs. She wore tight jeans that accentuated her slim figure and she had the most amazing smile. Amazingly I can remember it clearly as though it was yesterday. I also remember the feelings and emotions that I felt that instant. I remember wishing that I was taller, better looking, smarter, cooler, darker haired, with more chiselled features and so on.....

As the evening progressed I found her more and more attractive and felt myself wishing she was my girlfriend. How great I’d feel walking into a room with her. Taking her to a candlelit dinner. Walking hand in hand along a beach together as the sunset. The more I thought about this the more attractive she became and the more FEAR I felt. The FEAR continued to build to a point where the best thing to do was to not approach her and do nothing. At least that way the fear subsided.

Looks and fear
This scenario highlights two points: LOOKS and FEAR

FACT: Most men, indeed probably 95% of men go through their life thinking that women are attracted to men with GOOD LOOKS.

FACT: Most men FEAR approaching women.

Now let me share with you a SECRET.........Women are NOT ATTRACTED to men with great LOOKS!

“What?” I can hear you say..........Let me explain the difference....

The difference
Of course if a fantastic looking guy walks into the room women are going to stop and have a good view. They may chat to one another and say something like “Wow he’s hot!” or “Ooooo check him out. What a cutey!” But, and trust me this is an incredibly important ‘but’ women are far MORE attracted to PERSONALITY.

Now I can’t change your looks. A cosmetic surgeon may be able to, although I don’t think they’ve cracked how to make you taller! But, what I can do is change your personality so that you become an ACE with the ladies.

Now back to my mates party for a moment. Fast forward to the end of the evening and I spotted the girl again. She was cosying up to a guy. He was shorter than me, had a large stomach and very little hair. She was laughing the whole time at his jokes and from the body language you could see she was enjoying herself.

So, my friend, you have to understand that men are initially attracted to looks. For us guys it’s a very visual thing. If you don’t believe me then check out the top shelf of a magazine stand in a newsagent. Wall to wall porn!

It's not about the visuals
Why is there no equivalent for women? Because for women it’s not about the visuals.

There’s an old saying that women use: “Win my mind and you can have my body.”

It’s BANG on the money!!

If you win over the mind of a woman she’s yours forever. It doesn’t matter what you look like, how tall you are, what car you drive. But you have to WIN her mind.

In our course we explain how to do this.

How you can WIN her mind. How you can be the most AMAZING guy she’s ever met.

The course
It’s all in our course THE SECRET ART OF ATTRACTION

In the next instalment I’m going to share with you the FEAR secret!

Although if you want to fast forward and get over your FEAR now then check out the course. We tell you how to do that in massive detail. It’s a big subject and our exercises are designed to make you lose the FEAR forever!

For now though, remember, women are not attracted to LOOKS, so get out there and have some fun.

Want to know the SECRETS on how to attract women? Sign up to the FREE coaching email, full of dating tips for men and get a FREE guide on Why Most Dates Fail.


Friday, March 19, 2010

Welcome to the Tips For Dating blog

This is our brand new blog. Stand by, as we're going to be regularly adding great tips and ideas that will help to transform your dating technique and make you a maestro at chatting to women you like, taking them on dates and getting them to chase YOU!

So, watch this space! More dating secrets will be revealed real soon!